I look way hotter in the cartoon!
I'm not so sure about that!
It is a nice cartoon tho...
No Apologies
please, please put them back!
don't you know i just look at the pictures???
I look way hotter in the cartoon!
I'm not so sure about that!
It is a nice cartoon tho...
No Apologies
that's when i should become "supreme one".
332 posts missing at an average of 7.17 a day is 46 days away from now.
(october 8th) .
This just in...
Watson angrily denies cooties rumors
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a thread game.
so that the number of veiws are the same as the number of posts, everytime you click to view you gotta post something... .
lets play...
Yeah there a lot cheaters, not everyone is posting!!!
No Apologies
a thread game.
so that the number of veiws are the same as the number of posts, everytime you click to view you gotta post something... .
lets play...
What do you mean? I don't get it.
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there used to be much more enjoyable things in the jw religion that would give you some relief from the recycled information.
remember when there were two dramas at the conventions?
remember at the meeting, instead of having a public talk, a missionary would show slides from his recent trip, or there would be a movie shown from the wts?.
Well they used to have get-togethers and such that could be considered fun. We used to go roller-skating as a group. Of course all that got shut down a long time ago. The reasoning was that it was impossible to oversee these events properly, they might lead to some type of unchristian activities, not everyone attending was necessarily a JW in good standing, etc..
Funny how since then, a lot more of the JW kids quietly starting having their own little parties, doing things they were never allowed to do otherwise.
Yep, another brilliant move by the Borg.
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i mean they are both imaginary, so do you think this wank-hovah god, who is so jealous, so pouting, so insecure that he needs our worship to be made whole.
could this loser in ever win a fight with thor???
he's pathetic,,i really mean it,,, what a loser!!
I think it should go down WWE style:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, making his way into arena, 6 time undefeated Supreme Being, creator of Heaven and Earth, god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... JEHOVAH!!!!!!"
<Crowd goes wild as Yahweh enters and approaches the ring>
"And his opponent, the heir to the throne of Asgard, Son of Odin, defeater of the Midgard serpent, holder of Mjolnir, the God of Thunder....THOR!!!!!
<again, the crowd goes wild...>
"Let's get ready to rumble!!"
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the recent august kingdom ministry contains instructions on deepening the ennui.
and sophorific potential of service meetings.
they are ordering that before the circuit.
Its amazing these people can dress themselves and somehow get to the Hall three times a week!
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the circuit assembly is coming up in september.
there are several reasons i am going:it is at the maine center for the arts, at my college.
i really like this place, it would be mother told me that i would not be shunned ("what would be the point on going?
The last couple months I went to meetings, I didn't bother even holding a song book, just stood there quietly. Kinda like what a JW does during the National Anthem or flag salute. I gotta lot of looks... but what are they gonna do?
I think you should go around the assembly telling people you are a pioneer!
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ok i know there are many posters here who have lived and worked at bethel or a branch office.
but i got to wondering how many of you have lived in a kingdom hall, i.e.
the wonderful apartment(s) found in many kingdom halls.
Ok I know there are many posters here who have lived and worked at Bethel or a branch office. But I got to wondering how many of you have lived in a Kingdom Hall, i.e. the wonderful apartment(s) found in many Kingdom Halls. If so, any stories you care to share?
And yes, I have lived in a Kingdom Hall. My wife and I were pioneeting at the time, and were allowed usage of the basement apartment. The most embarassing situation was one evening when I and my wife were uh... oh how can I phrase this in a family-friendly way...being intimate. Yeah, that works. Anyway, about then the C.O. knocks on the door! Imagine our surprise! Since we were not prepared for receiving visitors, it took a few moments for me to answer the door in a presentable manner. It seems the only phone in the Hall at the time was in the apartment, and he had some urgent call he needed to make (see, kids, back then people did not have cell phones that they carried around. It was the Dark Ages).
Coincidently, one of the C.O.'s recommendations at the end of the week was that the Hall have its own phone line installed. Of course, this was promptly done.
No Apologies
the circuit assembly is coming up in september.
there are several reasons i am going:it is at the maine center for the arts, at my college.
i really like this place, it would be mother told me that i would not be shunned ("what would be the point on going?
Those plants aren't free!! There is a sugggested contribution for them!!! Although it would be funny as heck to disregard them and walk away with the plant. Maybe I should have gone to the last day of the convention and picked one up!
Jwbot, just be ready for some grilling after the convention. "wasn't that a good demonstrations?" "Wasn't that advice on materialism so wonderful?" And my favorite: "Wasn't this the best assembly ever?!?" This will be your chance to slip in something other than the standard JW drone's reply, and do it real casual, watch them a get a very funny look on their face...
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